About BMO Cyber Pensioners
Who We Are
The BMO Cyber Pensioners community is a group of BMO pensioners connected by internet access. The BMO Cyber Pensioner news team is a self-funded independent association of volunteers from within the BMO Cyber Pensioner community.
Our Goal
To be the primary communication website and Facebook page for BMO pensioners and to share information about what is happening in the BMO pensioner community in Canada and around the globe.
Our Objectives
- To expand our reach to an ever-increasing number of BMO pensioners.
- To seek opportunities to share topical information such as social and recreational activities as well as other potential matters of interest to the community.
- To encourage and enhance the quality and flow of communication within the community, including reminiscences and historical articles.
- To promote, support and initiate the establishment of local and regional social events for BMO retirees.
By Barry Gemmell, Jim O'Neill and Tom Mitchell as told to Joan Mesic, Senior Volunteer Correspondent
This is the text of an article developed and written in 2011 for the 20th anniversary of Cyber Pensioners.Why do things evolve? Generally, because there is a need or a problem with no immediate or apparent solution. Twenty years ago, the Central Ontario Chapter (COC) whose membership consists of BMO pensioners, had a basic need to communicate to the membership. However, there was no way to do this effectively and efficiently. This was the scene in 1991 when Barry Gemmell worked with Elmer Eadie, the former lead of the COC. This conundrum stared Barry in the face and as he put it, "It was time to ditch the smoke signals and go to the next level... word of mouth," to keep the membership, probably less than 50 at that time, informed. Well, guess what? This nouveau method of communication, that is, word-of-mouth, didn't seem to work either. Pensioners believe it or not, have a tendency to forget to pass information along and that is exactly what happened. As Barry went on to say, "Changes to meeting dates and presenters resulted in a potpourri of meetings". Somewhat successful at times, but needed his keen 'techie' brain to dip into the electronic age to find a better solution.
For the full story on commemorating the establishment of the BMO Cyber Pensioners' back in 1991 ... CLICK HERE
What We Do
Publish news stories and newsletters from BMO pensioners and BMO pensioner associations.
Publish information of common interest, enabling the reader to:
- Stay in touch with old friends and find new ones.
- Read about new members and sadly those that pass away
- Share personal stories and photographs
- Keep up-to-date on happenings in different pensioner groups and geographical areas.
- Take advantage of social and recreational activities published
- Take advantage of discounts available to BMO retirees for Upcoming Events
- Publish photos of pensioner and BMO events in our Photo Gallery.
- Publish important BMO related information such as contact information for key departments relating to our benefits. Also provide handy links to the various websites that BMO employees and pensioners often access when dealing with such things as dental and health benefits/claims.
- Provide "archives" for stories and newsletters that the readers might have missed in past months.
This is your website. BMO retirees are welcome and encouraged to contribute material that they feel worthy of sharing with fellow retirees. Simply email the News Team with your input at cyberpensioner@gmail.com
For guidance refer to the Privacy and Publishing Policies and Guidelines tab.
Membership Benefits
- Membership is free.
- Receive periodic email advices when anything new or significant is added to the website.
- Get access to the members’ directory which provides an opportunity for members to stay in touch with one another.
- Get access to other material considered to be of a confidential nature.
- Get access to Upcoming Events.
- Get access to all archived material since 2009.
- Get access to archived photo gallery.
Become a Member
- If you are a BMO pensioner, interested in becoming a member, you can register by CLICKING HERE It's a simple process.